Traka sa ukrasnim kamenjem izgleda ovako.
Bejeweled strip looks like this.
Ima ih svakakvih u svakoj pozamanteriji (sa pljokicama, sa cirkonima, sa perlicama,...) Ja sam uzela dužinu od 2m i platila oko 250 din.
You can find it in every haberdasher's shop (with spangles,beads or glitter). I took one 2m long and paid it 250 dinars.

be sure to burn the ends of the satin strip so it wouldn't fall off
Trake pričvstite jednu za drugu čiodama pre ušivanja kako se ne bi pomerale...
Secure the strips, one to the other with pins, before stitching so they wouldn't move...

Stitch the strips up, one to the other, on both sides
Stitch the bejeweled strip onto the satin strip in the middle, on both sides

Znači, imaćete ukupno dva 4 šava sa zadnje strane... :)
This means that you'll have four hems on the back side... :)

I TAAAA-DAAAA, gotova je moja prekrasna ogrlica...
And voilà! My beautiful necklace is done...

Jel da da nije teško?
Zaista nije, a dobijate prelep komad nakita. Čak se može upotrebiti kao mali šal ili pojas za struk... :)

Jel vam se dopada?

It's not that hard, right???
It really isn't, and you'll get a fine piece of jewelry. You can even use it as a shawl or a waist band... :)

Do you like it???

INSPIRACIJA: Ogrlica glumice Rachel Bilson :)
Inspired by: the necklace of the actress Rachel Bilson :)

:* by Marina