Wind, rain, and fluctuations in outdoor and indoor temperatures all have a negative effect on hair. It loses its shine, dries out, becomes rougher and harder to comb, and develops split ends. However, by adjusting your daily habits, you can revitalize your hair and restore its healthy appearance. Here are five ways you can help your hair through the cold season, from vitamins and supplements to natural remedies.
Daily Habits
Environmental factors cause hair to be more vulnerable in cold temperatures, so pay attention to your routine. First, remember that it's best to wash your hair with lukewarm water instead of hot water. Hot water dries hair out. When washing, it's important to use not only the right shampoo, but also a conditioner that meets your needs. Try a deeply moisturizing and nourishing hair mask.
If you notice the ends of your hair drying out or cracking, lubricate still wet hair (only the ends) after washing with a nourishing oil, specifically oils like argan, coconut, and castor. The oil will nourish the hair, help retain moisture longer, and create a protective layer.
Remember that hair is not only improved with products, but also a balanced diet. Evaluate your daily nutrition-your water intake, sugar consumption, protein consumption, and levels of unsaturated fatty acids (often found in vegetable oils, fatty fish, fish oil).
Combing and Drying
It's best to allow hair to dry naturally or to use a cooler setting, but that can take longer. If you intend to dry your hair with hot air, use a heat protectant before drying. Of course, products are also important when it comes to styling your hair.
To avoid damage, before using conditioning sprays, smoothing oils, or serums, look at the description on the product-when and how it should be used. Do not style hair with heated devices (straightening or curling tongs) if the hair is oiled. This will burn your hair and make it dry out even more.
It is best to comb your hair once it has already dried, but if you need to comb wet, use only a specially designed tool.
Vitamins and Minerals
Hair can get damaged when it's deficient in certain vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, we do not always get the necessary nutrients in our food, so it can be useful to take food supplements. Biocell Hair Shots are an oral nutritional supplement for hair. It contains biologically active hydrolyzed keratin, a protein that makes up as much as 97 percent of the hair structure, a building material on which the condition of the hair depends.
The supplement is also enriched with SOD, an extremely strong antioxidant enzyme that protects hair from the harmful effects of the environment. Hair Shots can be supplemented with B vitamins, zinc, selenium, and copper. This supplement maintains the normal condition and pigmentation of the hair, strengthens it, stops hair loss, promotes growth, and improves the structure of the hair.
Sleep Habits
Hair may dry out and warp due to improper bedding and sleeping patterns. Silk and linen fabrics are most suitable for hair, though cotton, unfortunately, tends to absorb moisture from both the hair and the skin. Try not to sleep with loose hair; wrap it in a loose hair clip and secure it with a soft rubber band that doesn't squeeze too much. If you sleep with loose hair, the drier ends may crack and the hair will break.
Hair Therapy
If your hair is deteriorating and neither remedies nor a balanced diet and quality rest are helpful, you may want to try some alternative hair treatments. Scalp mesotherapy, during which the skin is saturated with mixtures of various active ingredients, will help to stop hair loss and improve the condition of the scalp. Mesotherapy not only helps fight hair loss but also promotes growth, strengthens hair, and restores shine.
Hair can look more vibrant if you spend at least a few minutes daily on a head massage. This will help to activate blood circulation and the hair will absorb necessary substances more efficiently. Sometimes a small change is enough for you to enjoy big results.