Although you may feel your lips drying out, avoid licking them constantly. This process can lead to even greater drought. The enzymes in saliva are used to digest food, and they irritate the lips.
Avoid certain ingredients in balms.
Avoid balms containing camphor, eucalyptus, and menthol during the cold season. These ingredients can actually cause dryness, meaning these balms will only soften the lips for a short time before beginning to chap or dry out later.
Treat damaged lips.
It's very important to take care of dry and cracked lips as soon as possible. If you do not treat your lips in time, inflammation can occur later, making them harder and more uncomfortable to treat.
Use medical treatments before bed.
To help your lips regain moisture and softness, apply medications before going to bed. At night when the body is at rest, regenerative processes take place. Lubricating the lips overnight with healing and restorative treatments will allow your lips to best absorb the ingredients and retain their effects.
Look for balms with oils.
Choose a lip balm soaked in oils or glycerin. These substances will protect your lips for a long time and prevent them from drying out.
Use sunscreen.
Remember to apply sunscreen regularly. Look for a lipstick or balm with an SPF filter.
Drink water.
Even if you don’t want fluids in cooler weather, don’t let your body dehydrate. Sip water regularly, because dehydration of the body will also cause the lips to dry out, crack, and start flaking.
Eat a vitamin-rich diet.
To keep your lips soft and supple, enrich your diet with the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Vitamin A is especially important for the lips. Find it in fish oil, carrots, dairy products, apricots, egg yolks, spinach, and cabbage.
Total Lip Treatment, Sensai
This lip protection is great on windy and cold autumn days. The mixture of various oils penetrates deep into the lips, moisturizes them, and removes roughness. Carefully selected ingredients improve blood circulation in the skin, making wrinkles noticeably smoother and lips look naturally plumper.
The Lip Balm, La Mer
La Mer's velvety balm perfectly restores and conditions the lips. The emollient product strengthens the natural moisture barrier to protect the lips from environmental damage.
Nutritive Lip Balm, Sisley
This luxurious balm instantly moisturize and protect the lips with ingredients like tung oil and plum extract.