CEI instruction for use. The instructions for use include a detailed
description of the surgical technique and can be downloaded.
Download Video on CEI implantation. The video shows all surgical steps of a CEI implantation under eye-drop anesthesia:
- The eye is anesthesized with routine eye-drop anesthesia medication.
- The eye is decontaminated and draped with routine techniques used in ocular surgery.
- An INTRAconjunctival bleb is created by injection of BSS in the most superficial conjunctival layer. The bleb may be positioned adjacent to the temporal limbus.
- With conjunctival scissors, the bleb is opened and a superficial intraconjunctival tunnel is made.
- The tunnel is checked to determine if it is wide enough to accomodate the CEI implantation device.
- The CEI is then loaded into the CEI implantation device, and the device is inserted into the tunnel up to the desired final position of the CEI.
- Using a routine fine-forceps, the CEI is removed from the CEI implantation device and the CEI implantation device is withdrawn from the conjunctival tunnel.
- With a spounge, all excess BSS is removed from the implantation area.
- At the end of the procedure, antibiotic drops are applied onto the eye.
- Postoperative management includes antibiotic eyedrops for 1-2 week(s).
The CEI is called 'JewelEye' and is manufactured and distributed by Hippocratech b.v., Rotterdam, The Netherlands. The 'JewelEye' available in the following shapes:
- Heart
- Star
- Eurosign
- Four-leaved clover
- Music note
- Other shapes on request