Your surgeon is the person who has the power to save your life (not to mention your appearance). Plastic surgeons are capable of a lot more than just performing complicated surgeries. A good cosmetic surgeon will definitely take the time to answer your concerns, including those about the cost of plastic surgery so that patients are completely educated about the benefits and risks of the procedure.

This article will take you through the important questions you should ask your plastic surgeon before undergoing any elective surgery.

What are the potential risks of this procedure?

Mild side effects are to be expected after every surgery. Side effects such as swelling, bruising, and pain are typical discomforts experienced due to the surgery. Complications are much more than that. Complications are possible, but they are uncommon and you should talk to your plastic surgeon about them.

What is your success rate with this procedure in terms of complications?

Although a surgeon cannot infringe on a patient’s privacy, he or she should be able to tell you how many difficulties he or she has had with your kind of procedure, and how many of them were serious. This information can be provided in the form of a count or a percentage, but your surgeon should be prepared to share it so that you feel confident in making the best decision for your health and safety.

What kind of anesthesia will you use for the procedure?

It’s critical to address the hazards of anesthesia with your plastic surgeon, as well as the specific treatment you’ll be having done. General anesthesia poses the most danger, and it requires highly educated doctors to deliver and monitor its effects on the patient, even though it is by far the best option for several surgeries.

Am I really fit for this plastic surgery?

There’s a reason this question is at the top of our list and should be on yours too. Cosmetic surgery candidates should be in good physical condition. It’s best to find out whether you have a condition or a health issue that could complicate surgery sooner rather than later.

To be eligible for a treatment, your cosmetic surgeon can give you the best advice to stop using medication or quit smoking. However, Dr. Julius Few, board-certified plastic surgeon in Chicago believes, “Achieving balanced, natural-looking outcomes is the result of a seamless fusion between surgical and non-surgical solutions.” So if you really need complete surgery or there are other options to explore?

Do you have a Board Certification?

What does it mean to be a board-certified plastic surgeon, you might wonder? The truth is that there are multiple boards that certify plastic surgeons, as well as surgical associations that any surgeon can join. Is the Surgical Center a recognized facility?

Your procedure should be performed in a properly accredited hospital or surgical center. Accreditation certifies that a surgical center meets certain basic criteria to perform the surgery. Board certification is another indicator of quality and experience.

How many times have potential plastic surgeons performed this procedure?

It is important to reach out to your plastic surgeon and inquire about having prior experience. In addition, you can also ask about how long your plastic surgeon has been practicing medicine.

Plastic surgeons can assist you in regaining your youthful look and feel. A few simple questions could go a long way toward putting your mind at ease about your cosmetic choices. Don’t be afraid to ask any more questions that come to mind.