As Earth Day 2022 passes us by, we have been reflecting on the small-yet-mighty steps we can take to work towards a better future for our planet. As the saying goes, there is no planet B and ensuring our Earth is cared for is integral to our health, future and environmental state. One change you can make in your daily life is looking to limit the amount of single-use plastic and disposable packaging from the products you shop, and this list of refillable beauty brands have started the work for you.
While not all products in every brand's range are refillable, the 17 listed in our guide below all stock at least a handful of refillable items whether it be a lipstick, moisturiser, bronzer, cleanser and more. With a slew of local brands taking the lead on refillable – including Emma Lewisham and Tailor Skincare – the idea is certainly on the rise and becoming more common throughout the beauty and skincare industries. When a product in your routine runs out next, why not shop for one of the below refillable beauty brands alternative version? Take a browse and see what's on the market – perhaps you already own a refillable beauty product and didn't even know.

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