On curbing her appetite: “I’m not going to lie: There are times I play mind tricks on myself, like that the french fries are poison. With desserts, I’ll let myself have just one bite, but I’ll look like a freak when I’m eating it, like when I did Duncan Hines commercials as a kid, just savoring every morsel.”
Photo: Carter Smith; Styled by Joe Zee
On criticism from gossipmongers: “It has hurt me in the past when people say things like how ‘fugly’ I am or how horrible I look. I’ve had to learn not to give it such a high priority in life…. Look, when you’re trying to juggle all of this in your life, sometimes you’re not going to look perfect. I don’t have time to get a facial every couple of days.”
On having high expectations: “For my album, I wanted to arrive at the MTV Awards in a British buggy on hydraulics. It didn’t quite work out that way, but, yes, I have all these big, huge dreams.”