Chanel is celebrating the launch of its latest Resort 21 collection by Virginie Viard with a Karim Sadli-lensed photo shoot with Lily-Rose Depp. In the accompanying video, the French actress points to her favorite pieces from the collection, and discusses her relationship with the house's creative director. spoke with the newly 21-year-old about her relationship to social media, the clarity that comes with a changing world, gratitude, and using fashion to lift your spirits. It helps, of course, if it's Chanel.

How have you been handling the last seven months from a mental health perspective?

Lily-Rose Depp: I think it's great that everybody's really talking about mental health right now. People are really taking the time to check in on their friends and family to see how they're doing and how they're handling it. And so I think that's a really beautiful thing that's come out of this timeขwe're all really leaning on each other more than ever before.

I've just been like taking it one day at a time, and obviously, there're ups and downs in all of this. I was actually shooting a movie in Ireland over the summer, which was amazing. I was just so, so grateful to have the opportunity to be working again. I know that I'm able to experience this from a place of a lot of privilege. I just feel really happy to be surrounded with family.


Do you feel like your circle has gotten smaller, like you're surrounding yourself with all the same people during this? Even who you're talking to?

I think that times like you a lot about who is really, really dear to you. But I think if anything you realize more who you really, really miss when you haven't been able to see your friends in six months or longer. I think it definitely puts a lot in perspective. And I think that a lot of people and myself included, have done a lot of thinking, hopefully. It's also been a time of great opportunity to just sit with yourself and give yourself the space to breathe and feel whatever you're feeling, because obviously, we don't have all of the distractions that we're normally used to. I think it's been a really great period of growth for a lot of people a positive thing in such a scary time.

You had a big birthday recently. I'm sure it's not how you imagined celebrating it, but how did you ring in? I suppose it's a little different if you're not in the U.S. where 21 is such a milestone.

Well, I was in Paris for it. It was very small because it was when stuff started opening back up a little bit again in Paris. Over the summer, those kind of restrictions were easing. But I still had a nice dinner with my family and two of my friends. They're all French, but they were very aware of the significance of the 21st birthday. We definitely celebrated and rung it in, and it was really special. Definitely not what I had expected. I feel like I've said this before, but I'm just postponing it. There will be a 21st birthday at some point. I'm looking forward to that whenever it can be.


How have you been approaching clothing and beauty during all of this? Are you wanting to just get dressed up to feel better? Or are you in cashmere sweatpants mode?

I've been missing my clothes so much because I haven't been to New Yorkขwhere I live. I left all my clothes there because when I left, it was right before everything happened and I thought I was going to come back in a month. I've been living just out of one suitcase that I packed in February. So I've gotten pretty familiar with that bunch of clothes. But also, I've been in Paris, and in Paris, there's also my mom's closet, which is very lucky for me.

There's definitely been a lot more sweatpants, more pajama vibe than usual. But I still honestly find days to dress up. You've got to live a little bit somehow. I definitely still have days where I'll just put on a full, cute outfit, and do my makeup and everything. Why not? I have one of the little belly chains from the collection at my place in Paris. And so I've definitely been finding different cute ways to wear that.

You realize you get dressed more for yourself than you might have thought before all of this, like you do just want to just get dressed sometimes.

I also think it's such a mood booster. The world feels very still lately and just there's moments that are stiller than others. I think that if you're feeling bored or just kind of down or whatever. For me, it's like play. It's just fun.

You don't post a crazy amount on social media, but you're on there, and have a large following. How do you view your relationship to it? What do you think it's good for? What do you try to steer clear of on there?

I definitely try and steer clear of letting it take up too much space in my life because I think that that can be pretty unhealthy. And obviously, my generation specifically has a very particular relationship with social media. I find it overwhelming sometimes, so I don't post all the time. There's two sides to the fact that everyone can say whatever they want.

I think that social media has played an amazing part in so much of the activism that's gone on, especially this year and in the last couple of years. So on that side of things, social media has been an amazing tool. I think that it's really become part of the voice of our generation in terms of talking about things that matter. And it was amazing seeing how many people were talking about getting out there and voting leading up to the election. But then I think on the other side of it, there are obviously pros and cons to everything. I just try and let it take up the appropriate amount of space in my life.

You've been working with Chanel since you were a teenager. How do you view fashion and working with the house from then until now?

It's something that every time I talk about it, it just brings me so much joy and honor. It's so special to me. Chanel has been a part of my life since I was little because my mom has had a long relationship with themขI have so many memories of just stealing my mom's Chanel things from her closet when I was a babyขand my mom and my grandmother always wore Chanel perfume. It's really about the people that I get to work with because not only are they so incredible and artistic, but above all, they're just the most amazing to be aroundขfrom working with Karl [Lagerfeld], who we love and miss so much to Virginie [Viard], who is so incredible.


Before we go, what's on the top of your reading and watch lists, especially as Paris has gone back into lockdown?

I've been reading a book of short stories by Haruki Murakami, who's one of my favorite authors, called Men Without Women. And I just watched this amazing French film called Water Lilies by Céline Sciamma, who also made thePortrait of a Lady on Fire. And I've been trying getting back into podcasts. There's a really good one called Stuff They Don't Want You to Know. [Podcasts] are good for walks. I'm out in nature right now, so I've been going for a lot of nature walks. And I like a podcast nature walk combination.