Sweet Spot: The key to a heavenly tush is good pocket placement

Fidelity refers to the perfect pocket place as the "sweet spot" of the behind. (Indeed, the properly-placed pocket will frame the ass like a Van Gogh painting.) So, where is this magical sweet spot? Simple: pockets should be centre on either cheek. Not too close to the middle, not too high, and definitely not too low. (Pockets should almost never sit so low that they cut into the seat crease -- where the bum meets the leg. This will make the butt look too long, and the legs too short.)

Does Size Matter? Yes.

Pocket size is the other key to a picture-perfect butt. Too-small pockets can make the bottom look bigger, while a larger pocket fills more space and covers more of the area, without highlighting a particular region of the backside.

Fidelity Denim


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