Having trouble keeping up with our increasingly organic, eco-friendly world? Let me be your guide! From all-natural makeup to the best in eco-conscious jeans, I will test and review the products and treatments that are best for you and the planet.

When it comes to beauty, I have a theory that’s becoming easier and easier to live by: Just because you use all-natural, eco-friendly personal care products doesn’t mean you have to look like you do.

Take eco-conscious fashion — as it moves further away from the bulky, itchy, acorn-colored sweaters and unflattering hemp pants of the ’70s (at least that’s what they look like in the pictures), so does natural beauty. My decision to place only toxic-free products on my skin — the body’s biggest organ, remember? — does not mean that I’ve also decided to let my dark under-eye circles and the occasional pimple hang out for the world to see.

I like makeup. I like it so much that, like millions of other women, I use it every day — with the exception of those lazy, rainy Sundays when I stay home in my pajamas organizing my closet and watching reruns of “Iron Chef.” But my makeup use wasn’t born from the Tammy Faye Baker school of cosmetology. Oh, no. The cosmetics I use serve the sole purpose of sparking one question in the minds of the people who pass me on the street: “Could she possibly wake up looking like that?” The answer, of course, is no. I wake up puffy and bleary-eyed — that’s why I wear makeup.