It was designed by Alyona Akhmadullina.  She wanted to create a smart bag, that would show the wearer cared about the environment. Emblazoned on its side, in big letters, are the words ‘For a Clean Motherland’.  It urges customers to ditch high fashion in favour of down-to-earth ecological needs.

While some designer bags cost a month's rent, the one from Akhmadullina costs only $US 40.  It's a limited edition too, with only 777 made.

Made from 100% recycled cotton, it has no zippers, pockets or lipstick compartments. Instead, it's makers believe, it could help save the world. The money raised will go to WWF Russia to preserve plants, parks and forests.

Akhmadullina said it was an honour to take part in a joint project with WWF. She didn’t seem to concerned with competition and the status-bag culture

“This bag is not meant to show off your status or salary because it's not expensive. It's main objective is to replace a plastic bag. I think it's made for those who choose comfort and don't need to prove anything to anybody,” Akhmadullina said.