The entrepreneurial teens charge $10 for earrings or necklaces made from the lacquered carcasses of the bugs. So far, they've made $210, and a local store is interested in carrying their wares. If they run out of bugs, they are considering their options. "We are thinking of using small horseshoe crab shells," Maloney told the Cape Cod Times. "We are definitely not trying spiders though."
Class project
Glimpse into future now 28 years past
If you were a fifth- or sixth-grader at Sunset Elementary in Bellevue, Wash., in 1970, Miss Burns is looking for you. No, you're not in trouble, she just forgot to do something 28 years ago. It seems Miss Burns — now Kathy Rosen, 62 and living in Fort Lauderdale — had her classes write letters to themselves about what they thought the future would be like, and she was going to mail the letters them in 1980. But she forgot until she came across the letters in the past few years. Then it became a guilt thing, and she is trying to find the students.