We always have our eyes on the latest trends, and in recent months, we've noticed a rise in standout pieces that resemble the classic school uniform. Yes, preppy style has taken center stage and the influence of the schoolgirl has made its way into mainstream fashion. And though gathering style inspiration from a simple uniform may sound juvenile, you can actually make the trend your own all grown up bold shoulders, pussy bows, and tomboy influences.

Easily create instant polish and poise by trying out this look, which brings a classic and vintage feel into our modern world. With everything constantly changing, this Instagram aesthetic comes at the perfect time. Consider it a little nostalgia and a lot chic.

A Lunch Break in Paris


The '70s Schoolgirl


For the Tomboy


The Must-Have Headband


After-School Sports


You Can't Forget a Plaid Skirt


Some Prep in Your Step


Prada or Nada


Class Is in Session


Just Add a Dramatic Blouse