Obama was challenged on a television news programme about the shapeless, creased and hopelessly outdated Levi's blue jeans he wore to the baseball all-star game last week.
"I'm a little frumpy," he said on NBC's Today programme, after presenter Meredith Vieira ribbed him about his baseball attire. "I hate to shop, those jeans are comfortable. For those of you who want your president to look great in his tight jeans I'm sorry, I'm not the guy."
The last comment may have been a slag on former president George Bush, whose Texas cowboy look provoked swoons from some voters during his 2000 run for the White House.
Obama's shyness about his physique even applies on the basketball court: He eschews the shorts typical to the game in favour of long dark workout pants and a tucked-in T-shirt.
On the rare occasions he allows himself to be photographed in short pants – or shirtless – the president has shown he has little to hide under clothing more suited to one's grandparents.