Trends in Japan are like pages of a calendar - here today, gone tomorrow and soon replaced by something brand new. In this kind of climate, designers need to make a big splash to keep the ripples propagating. Sometimes that means shocking people...  well, most of the time actually, as it's the only way to be seen above the clutter. Wear any of the following freaky five fashion designs and I guarantee you'll be seen - and not forgotten!


5) These Boots are Made for Galloping

Gals who dread making the trek to work or play in precariously high heels might appreciate these hooves for humanity. They even have chromed metal horseshoes embedded in their soles. Although questionably comfortable, these stallion-ettos will undoubtedly leave an impression - especially if worn in the snow or on the beach. (via Worn Through)



4) The Hard Gay Look

When comes to exploiting the shock factor, nobody can beat Razor Ramon, Hard Gay. I think it says that on his business card. In any case, Hard Gay was a comic phenomenon a few years back though his flamboyant star has faded somewhat. That's a good thing... Japanese society has enough problems without its youth running around town in tight leather cruisewear. And not your father's cruisewear, either.

To properly enjoy the Hard Gay experience (I can't believe I just wrote that), put down that hot coffee - seriously, put it down - and watch Razor Ramon drum up business for a struggling Japanese ramen shop...



3) Twisted Sisterhood of the Traveling Paints

Known as Ganguro, Yamanba and a host of sub-genres, this is one scary fashion design trend many in Japan are more than happy to see the last of. How to describe the style? Well, think of an overexposed photo negative, a mandrill baboon and Dee Snyder in full-out Twisted Sister mode and you're about halfway there.

It's not certain whether Ganguro gals get any guys... if one started chasing me, I'd be running like The Three Stooges at the end of every movie. (via Oradistelle)



2) Top-Heavy Tops

Sometimes a girl wants to show a little cleavage. Sometimes a girl has little or no cleavage to show. Problem solved: with this T-shirt for the T-challenged. Just the thing for Casual Fridays... TGIF indeed! (via My Interesting Files)



1) Ladies and Gentlemen... The Beetles!

Shoko Nakagawa, or "Shokotan" to her many fans in the cosplay community, is a popular singer/celebrity whose blog is immensely popular. No matter that most of the images featured are of her cats; Shokotan is an animal lover to the extreme. Well, beyond extreme... as these pics of her self-adorned cicada-shell collection graphically illustrate.

Remember when having bugs in your hair got you and your classmates a letter from school and a trip to the drugstore for some smelly shampoo? Shokotan is turning that concept on its, er, head with her coif of crispy critters!

Bizarre as it may seem, Shokotan's bugged out bouffant has a decent chance of catching on. Nakagawa has a lot of influence among otakus and otaku-ettes; if anyone can start a trend, it's her. Besides, we wear leather, snakeskin and wool... and since no living creatures are hurt in the process, PETA won't be peeved. (via Pink Tentacle

And there you have it - be thankful at least that Japan's social butterflies are applying these fashion design trends one at a time.

Oh, there's a lot more than 5 freaky trends, of course - my recent eye-opener on extra-wide anime contact lenses being just one. Trust Japan's youth and the marketers who feed their high-speed culture to come up with something, newer, weirder, wilder than before... before you know it!