With banks collapsing like card houses, investing in solid bullion is the safest way to keep your money where you can see it.
And what better form for your gold to take than the figure of the world's most famous supermodel.
Sold? Then meet Siren, a 50kg sculpture of Kate Moss worked in solid gold that was unveiled last night at the British Museum - with a price tag of £1.5million.
Siren, the £1.5m statue of Kate Moss unveiled at the British Museum last night
Artist Mark Quinn
- whose most famous work to date was Alison Lapper Pregnant - chose
Moss, he says, because she is the Aphrodite of our times.
"I wanted to make a sculpture of the person who's the ideal beauty of the moment," he said, before adding enigmatically, "but even Kate Moss doesn't live up to the image".